Home Biography Press Performance Schedule Audio and Video Discography Compositions Writings Images Contact © 2005-2022 John Bischoff | | Selected Publications:
2012 Bischoff, John and Perkis, Tim. "LAMC: Technological Networks," Sound Amercian website (soundamerican.org)
2011 Bischoff, John. "Field Transfer," the Experimental Music Yearbook website (experimentalmusicyearbook.com/issue-2011/)
2010 Salter, Christopher. "Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance" (MIT Press 2010).
2007 Bischoff, John. "Free Association: Snapshots of an Electroacoustic Musical History" (Budapest, Hungary: Music in the Global Village, an International Conference on Network Music Composition and Performance, keynote paper published in the conference catalog). 2005 Brown, Chris and Bischoff, John. "Computer Network Music Bands: A History of the League of Automatic Music Composers and The Hub" (Cambridge, MA: At A Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet, MIT Press) 2004 Kahn, Douglas. "A Musical Technography of John Bischoff" (Cambridge, MA: Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 14, MIT Press) 2002 Co-Authored article, "Indigineous to the Net" w/ Chris Brown (http://crossfade.walkerart.org/brownbischoff/index.html) 1998 Interview, "Urban Sounds No. 3" 1996 Article, "Bringing Digital Music to Life", Computer Music Journal (Vol. 20 No. 2), MIT Press 1991 Article, "Software as Sculpture", Leonardo Music Journal (Vol.1, No. 1) 1990 Co-Authored article, "Paper Hubrenga", I.S. Journal (Vol. 5, No. 1) 1985 Co-Authored article, "Microcomputer Network Music", Foundations of Computer Music , MIT Press
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